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Help => General => Topic started by: fromY on March 18, 2014, 09:47:57 pm

Title: SFML Game Development sample code running evoke "heap destory"
Post by: fromY on March 18, 2014, 09:47:57 pm
Hi,  ALL.

I'm confused, because I had get a "heap destory" message.
I got github data, took cmake , and comiled with Visual Studio 2012 (11) update4.
cmake was good. maybe success.
Visual Studio compiling seems good, but program evoke errer message,when program run.
more detail, crash position is at StateStack.cpp, StateStack::applyPendingChanges(), case Clear:, mStack.clear().
 I trace program and I have get little information.
at vector clear()function (calling by mStack.clear();)
_Mylast has bad.
but, I don't know what I fix.

please help me.