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Messages - Yenaled

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Can't link statically on Windows
« on: March 12, 2015, 01:43:37 am »
Thanks for your help! I got it to work somehow.   ;D It must've been some left over or something.

General / Re: Can't link statically on Windows
« on: March 11, 2015, 10:48:32 am »
I did a "make clean" (which deleted the executable and all object files and whatnot), rebuilt SFML, and rebuilt my project. Exact same error.

General / Can't link statically on Windows
« on: March 11, 2015, 10:34:05 am »
Hello everyone,

I am trying to do static linking. I have -DSFML_STATIC set, and for my libs, I am using: -static -lsfml-audio-s -lsfml-graphics-s -lsfml-window-s -lsfml-system-s -lsndfile -lopenal32 -ljpeg -lglew -lfreetype -lws2_32 -lgdi32 -lopengl32 -lwinmm (this should be the correct order and "-s" indicates static and those should be all the necessary dependencies).
I have my library path set as: -L"C:\\Users\\me\\Documents\\Programming\\SFML-build\\lib" as well as -L"C:\\Users\\me\\Documents\\Programming\\SFML\\extlibs\\libs-mingw\\x86" (for the external libraries)

Everything compiles just fine without errors.

However, when I run my executable, I get the following error: "The program can't start because sfml-audio-2.dll is missing from your computer." Why am I getting this error? I am linking statically so there shouldn't be a need for that DLL file...

(I am on Windows 8 and I compile from the command line without the use of an IDE; I'm using mingw32-g++ to compile. And yes, "libsfml-audio-s.a" definitely  exists in the SFML-build\lib directory.)

Edit: And yes, I have openal32.dll and libsndfile-1.dll in the same directory as my executable.

Window / Re: KeyReleased Event isn't always triggered (bug)
« on: June 24, 2013, 02:33:50 am »
All right, I tested it, and it seems to work.  So I'll continue using that version, and if I encounter any problems, I'll post here.

I also tried your previous suggestion: replacing <= 5 with various values in the current version. Replacing 5 with 0 still resulted in the problem of KeyReleased events not always triggering, albeit at a MUCH lower frequency (I spent about 5-10 minutes pressing and releasing keys on my keyboard, and the problem only came up once). I experimented with some other values: It seems that the higher the value, the more likely it is that the KeyReleased event will not trigger when it's supposed to (but, yes, setting it to 0 still doesn't fix the problem).

Window / Re: KeyReleased Event isn't always triggered (bug)
« on: June 23, 2013, 06:03:10 am »
Thanks for your reply. I'm surprised I wasn't able to find that post. In any case, disregard this thread. Thanks again.

Window / KeyReleased Event isn't always triggered (bug)
« on: June 23, 2013, 05:40:45 am »
Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum. Anyhow, I recently upgraded to the newest version of SFML 2.0 because I wanted to build SFML from source (I needed to modify the source so that I could implement point looping for music). When I upgraded to this newest version, I soon realized that the keyreleased events did not work 100% of the time. This proved to be quite troublesome for my tile-based game which relied on keyreleased events to stop my sprite from moving.

It seems that I am not the only one who has come across this issue:
(Look at the 6th post of the thread to see minimal code of this problem)

Coincidentally enough, like the author of the above thread, I am also using Ubuntu 12.04. I have not verified the existence of this bug on other operating systems.

I did some investigating: It appears that the root of this problem lies in processEvent method located in the file: Window/Linux/WindowImplX11.cpp
Furthermore, within the processEvent method, the bug seems to arise in the implementation of detecting repeated events. I did a search, and found that the detecting repeated events algorithm was modified a few months back because of a problem with events firing multiple times: http://en.sfml-dev.org/forums/index.php?topic=10156.0

Seems like when one bug is fixed, another one arises, eh? The fix to prevent KeyPressed and KeyReleased events from firing multiple times seems to have introduced the problem of the KeyReleased event not always being triggered.

When I modified the file to revert back to the older version of the algorithm, and then built the modified version of SFML 2.0, everything is working... well, at least in regards to the triggering of the KeyReleased Event. Hopefully, this bug will be resolved in future releases of SFML.

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