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Messages - plusb

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Re: mismatch of desktop resolution and RenderWindow resolution
« on: September 01, 2013, 10:08:21 am »

Sorry for causing confusion .
(Because im korean, My English is poor. )

Want to say I ,

I lowered the resolution of my computer , but I do not know how to find the exact resolution SFML.

Graphics / mismatch of desktop resolution and RenderWindow resolution
« on: September 01, 2013, 09:22:15 am »

I had to test the example of SFML2.0,

when i going to full screen

I found a problem that resolution of desktop (PC) and VideoMode of SFML RenderWindow do not match .

I use a tablet pc, I was changing the UI scale of Windows

resolution of Device(PC) : 1080p modifyed resolution : 720p (Maybe..,expected)

I change the Text Size and ui items in this options(window 8):  Control Panel > Display

and modifyed text size to 150%


const int gameWidth = 1920;
const int gameHeight = 1080;
const VideoMode gameDisplay = VideoMode::getDesktopMode();
. . .

sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(gameDisplay.width,gameDisplay.height,gameDisplay.bitsPerPixel), "Pong",sf::Style::Fullscreen);

result :

redpaddle is the view outside

image :

in other games(ex:Osu!) support the auto resolution scaling , please give me some solutions.

Pages: [1]