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Messages - tuanogus

Pages: [1]
Audio / I'm missing something fundamental RE threads and audio
« on: June 14, 2009, 03:21:46 pm »
Yes, of course. Thanks again for your attention! Off to build some rockets...

Audio / I'm missing something fundamental RE threads and audio
« on: June 14, 2009, 03:13:44 am »
In haste... So I created a sf::Sound pointer in my MainFrame class. My code, of course, looks more like the following now.
Code: [Select]

void MainFrame::OnFileListItemSelected( wxListEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
std::string filename = this->wx2std(this->GetSelectedFile());

sf::SoundBuffer Buffer;

if (!Buffer.LoadFromFile(filename))  return;


There's a lot wrong with my code still, but at least the UI is free, audio is playing, and I'm starting to understanding SFML now. Thanks for your direction!

Audio / I'm missing something fundamental RE threads and audio
« on: June 14, 2009, 03:02:20 am »
Okee, I've got it figured out. Required a pointer (in my class) to a sf::Sound. Will follow up with my solution shortly.

Audio / I'm missing something fundamental RE threads and audio
« on: June 14, 2009, 02:52:42 am »
Regarding #1... you're saying I should be able to do this?

Code: [Select]

void MainFrame::OnFileListItemSelected( wxListEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
std::string filename = this->wx2std(this->GetSelectedFile());

sf::SoundBuffer Buffer;

if (!Buffer.LoadFromFile(filename)) return;

sf::Sound Sound;

And this should play the sound without blocking the caller?

Audio / I'm missing something fundamental RE threads and audio
« on: June 13, 2009, 10:22:24 pm »
Ah, okay, that makes sense. I'll move some things up in scope and give it whirl.


Audio / I'm missing something fundamental RE threads and audio
« on: June 13, 2009, 09:06:00 pm »
Yes, I tried that approach with the same results. Because of that I assumed that SFML was not threaded internally, and explains why I'm now trying the approach posted above.

Thanks for quick response!

Any other ideas?

Audio / I'm missing something fundamental RE threads and audio
« on: June 13, 2009, 06:31:10 pm »

I'm developing an audio sample manager and am prototyping it with wxWidgets and SFML. I am having trouble with sf::Thread...well...threading. I am spankin' new to SFML and have read as much as I can on this subject, and I am probably misunderstanding something fundamental.

I am using wxWidgets for the UI (the main thread) and am trying to spawn a thread to play a sound. For example, inside my wxFrame...
Code: [Select]

// Event handler for a wxListCtrl selection event...
void MainFrame::OnFileListItemSelected( wxListEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
       std::string filename = this->wx2std(this->GetSelectedFile());
sf::Thread Thread(&ThreadFunction, &filename);

void ThreadFunction(void* UserData)
std::string* str = (std::string*)UserData;

sf::SoundBuffer Buffer;

if (!Buffer.LoadFromFile(*str)) return;

sf::Sound Sound;
Sound.SetBuffer(Buffer); // Buffer is a sf::SoundBuffer

while(Sound.GetStatus() == sf::Sound::Playing) {

While this actually plays the audio as I expected, my UI is blocked until the Sound has finished playing. Any feedback is appreciated. I'm looking at a lot of different libraries and want to have a decent understanding of SFML before proceeding in my evaluation.

Also, I don't know why I need the last while loop in order for the Sound to play. I expected to be able to just call Sound.Play and have the entire sound play.

Cheers! And, very nice work. I love the API design.

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