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Messages - Argetlams

Pages: [1]
General / Re: opening an SFML and a QT window in the same time
« on: April 03, 2014, 03:35:44 pm »
up ! really need help here :(

General / opening an SFML and a QT window in the same time
« on: April 01, 2014, 06:09:01 pm »
Hi everybody

I 'm pretty new in coding C++ and i use QT creator , i created a QT window with a button. when it is clicked on it is supposed to open an SFML window. 

no mistakes in compilation , however when the sfml window pop up, the application slow down drastically, also when i click on anything it instantly crash.

so i guess adding an sfml window with a QT window is not that easy, is it even possible ?

here is the code just in case the mistake is from me :
bool MainWindow::InkJetFlush()
    int IntCountDown(10);
    string TxtCountDown("10");
    Clock ClTimer;
    Time TimeClock;
    int32 TimeInt;
    float AngleRotation;
    Color BackGroudColor = Color::White;

     RenderWindow WindFlushTimer(VideoMode(300, 300), "Flush");
     Texture TxtNeedle;
     Texture TxtClock;

     if (!TxtNeedle.loadFromFile("ClockNeedle.png"))
             return false;
     Sprite SpNeedle(TxtNeedle);
     SpNeedle.setOrigin(56, 9);
     SpNeedle.setPosition(150, 150);

     if (!TxtClock.loadFromFile("C:/Aprojects/InkJetProject/Clock_cadran.png"))
             return false;
     Sprite SpClock(TxtClock);
     SpClock.setPosition(50, 50);

     Font FoCountDown;
     if (!FoCountDown.loadFromFile("C:/Aprojects/InkJetProject/arial.ttf"))
            return false;

        Text TextCountDown(TxtCountDown, FoCountDown, 90);

    while (WindFlushTimer.isOpen())
        Event TimerEv;



        TimeClock = ClTimer.getElapsedTime();

            if (TimeClock.asSeconds() == 1)

                if (TimeClock.asSeconds() == 10)



    return true;



PS : as i said i'm new in c++ so i'm sure you will find a lot of thing i did the wrong way, sorry about that, also my english is far from perfect.

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