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Messages - Deimos

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Re: Converting SFML 1.6 simulations into avi or mpeg video
« on: October 19, 2014, 05:07:39 pm »

Saving every single frame you display to a file is a fairly simple problem.

Well, it’s good news but I have absolutely no idea what would be the first line, the last line and the lines between these two to achieve this task. I’m not a professional programmer.

Usually, I find examples on different web sites and try to create something out of it.
May be when I googled it, I didn’t enter the correct keywords (SFML, conversion, video, avi).

I you know a specific website which contains some examples, let me know.

That doesn't mean that you can't obtain and build a recent version of SFML to use with your application.

I update my file /etc/apt/sources.list and software as usual with :

# aptitude update
# aptitude safe-upgrade

I chose the stable version when I installed it. Next time, I’ll choose the unstable version.

Thanks for your contribution.

Graphics / Re: Converting SFML 1.6 simulations into avi or mpeg video
« on: October 17, 2014, 12:13:21 am »
Thanks for your answer. I will look forward at Open Broadcast Streamer.

I'm working with SFML 1.6 because I'm still running Debian Squeeze.

... and contains a lot of bugs.

For the little applications that I've created so far, I didn't notice any particular bugs. It works very well for me.

Thanks again.

Graphics / Converting SFML 1.6 simulations into avi or mpeg video
« on: October 15, 2014, 06:05:44 pm »

I want to convert SFML 1.6 simulations into avi or mpeg videos.

I didn’t find anything related to this topic. Usually, people try to read video with SFML.

If someone knows how, I would appreciate.

Thank you.

Pages: [1]