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Messages - Kov

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Re: White Square Problem - Please Help!
« on: August 21, 2014, 08:13:39 am »
Alright sweet thanks a ton! I shall buy one of those books and read it. I think I may have learnt c++ off one of those "Bad" books. :P

Graphics / Re: White Square Problem - Please Help!
« on: August 21, 2014, 08:03:14 am »
Yea I don't use references or pointers because I never could get my head around them when I was learning c++. Do you know any good sources or books that could explain them to me?

Thanks for the reply.

EDIT: I have found the Website on Thor's Resource Manager and will give it a read.

Graphics / White Square Problem - Please Help!
« on: August 21, 2014, 07:54:30 am »
I am having a lot of trouble with this and don't understand why I am getting the white square problem.

I have a class that handles all my assets (including textures) called CAssetManager and I use it by calling a function called LoadTexture(int id, std::string file) which loads the texture into a std::map<int, sf::Texture>. Then when I create a sprite, I set the texture of the sprite using a function called GetTexture(int id). This gives me a white square at the textures size.

Please Help!!

Here is my (reduced) CAssetManager.h code:
void LoadTexture(int id, std::string file);
sf::Texture GetTexture(int id);
std::map<int, sf::Texture> textureMap;

Here is my (reduced) CAssetManager.cpp code:
void CAssetManager::LoadTexture(int id, std::string file)
sf::Texture CAssetManager::GetTexture(int id)
return textureMap[id];

Here is my (reduced) CMain.h code:
sf::Sprite sprite;
CAssetManager asset;

And finally, here is my (reduced) CMain.cpp code:
asset.LoadTexture(0, "test.png");

Pages: [1]