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Messages - Banzai_Banana

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Blue spinning wheel instead of cursor over application
« on: July 09, 2019, 05:05:09 pm »
nope. i added an event loop and its fixed, thanks.

General / Re: Blue spinning wheel instead of cursor over application
« on: July 09, 2019, 01:20:28 am »
To Clarify:
What's your OS? Graphics card? (Windows 10, gtx 1060 6gb)
Which version of SFML are you using? Static or dynamic? If you're using a development snapshot, which revision is it? (static, latest version)
Are you showing all the relevant source code? (not sure if i need to  yet)
Have you ran the debugger? What does the call stack look like? Don't know how the debugger works? Find a tutorial, seriously, this is the most important tool for a developer (Call stack looks fine)
Is it a compiler or linker error? A crash? What's the exact message? (No errors)

General / Blue spinning wheel instead of cursor over application
« on: July 09, 2019, 01:17:17 am »
Whenever I mouse over my window, instead of having a cursor, there's just a blue spinning wheel. It also prevents me from using the "X" to close my project. Please tell me if there's any fixes. Thanks

Im using c++ and vs2015.

Pages: [1]