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Messages - Rybens

Pages: [1]
Feature requests / Sending 3D Vector to Sprite's Position
« on: April 17, 2010, 11:15:03 pm »
No, I mean something more complicated ;)

I wanted to use shaders to calculate all pixels depth by seperate depth map. ( like here: )
For doing so I need depth buffer enabled, if you Laurent dont want to add that ability to SFML I will use OpenGL, no problem. :)

Sorry for not anwsering so long, so many things to do and not much time...


Feature requests / Sending 3D Vector to Sprite's Position
« on: April 14, 2010, 05:55:43 pm »
It's my first post up here so I want to say Hello to all SFML users :)

Right now I'm writing 2.5D engine with SFML 2. I want to mix functions from SFML and OpenGL and use Shaders for normal mapping and calculating depth of all pixels.

Normal mapping works fine using functions from SFML, but depth testing not realy... it just draws sprites like before (One on other). And here's my question:

Is it possible to add ability to turn on depth buffer in sf::RenderWindow and then sending position of my sprites with Vector3f?

PS. And it would be very useful for some users, because of easy sorting of Sprites using Z-Buffer.

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