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Messages - zackh

Pages: [1]
Graphics / sf::Sprite FloodFill or Masking?
« on: August 18, 2010, 03:32:04 pm »
For anyone interested:

Code: [Select]

#include <vector>

struct Point
Point(int x, int y) : X(x), Y(y) { }

int X, Y;

void fill(int x, int y, sf::Color fill, sf::Image* img)
int w = img->GetWidth(), h = img->GetHeight();
if (x < 0 || x > w-1 || y < 0 || y > h-1)

sf::Color seedColor = img->GetPixel(x, y);
std::vector<Point> points;
points.push_back(Point(x, y));

while (points.size() > 0)
Point p = points.back();
int tx = p.X, ty = p.Y;

if (ty < 0 || ty > h-1 || tx < 0 || tx > w-1)

sf::Color col = img->GetPixel(tx, ty);
if (col == seedColor)
img->SetPixel(tx, ty, fill);
points.push_back(Point(tx+1, ty));
points.push_back(Point(tx-1, ty));
points.push_back(Point(tx, ty+1));
points.push_back(Point(tx, ty-1));

fill(75, 75, sf::Color(255, 0, 0), ImgManager::Instance()->getResource("test.bmp"));

The question still stands though. I'm not sure that it's quite fast enough to be used in the middle of a game (No other PCs to test it on atm).

Graphics / sf::Sprite FloodFill or Masking?
« on: August 18, 2010, 01:31:35 pm »
In the game I'm writing I need the ability to change parts of a sf::Sprite as if I were using a flood/seed fill algorithm. Before I go on to write that up, is there a way to 'mask' parts of a sf::Sprite with a color based on the sf::Image color?

For example, if I had a map of countries with different greyscale values for each country, does a method exist where I could change the color of a country by picking the greyscale value and masking red (for example) over all pixels of that value.

If not, I suppose it's on to writing a flood/seed fill algorithm or splitting the map into several PNGs with an alpha layer (not excited about the latter idea).

Pages: [1]