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Messages - Comme le vent

Pages: [1]
Network / ftp upload fails
« on: April 04, 2011, 01:14:30 pm »
Are you sure that you didn't invert the arguments (must be local file first, then distant path)?

jesus christ. I successfully embarassed myself. :roll:

Anyway thanks a lot.

Network / ftp upload fails
« on: April 04, 2011, 01:03:32 pm »
i already do this.

Code: [Select]

std::ifstream in("plan.html");
if(!in.is_open()) { std::cerr << "Error: cannot open ifstream." << std::endl; return; }

The ifstream is ok and the file is copied into a std::string which is parsed & edited and then written to file. The resulting html is displayed correctly offline in firefox and online after manual upload with filezilla. Even if i only download the file without opening and editing it, the upload fails. The ifstream rading the file from c:\\plan.html works as well.

edit: os is vista ultimate, compiler vc++2005 if it matters.
upload is
Code: [Select]
resp = server.Upload("", "plan.html");
if(!resp.IsOk()) { std::cerr << "\nError " << resp.GetStatus() << ". Failed to upload to server.\n"; }

Network / ftp upload fails
« on: April 04, 2011, 11:02:18 am »
Hey guys, hi laurent
i have a small problem: I'm trying to upload an html to a parallels confixx server, but it doesn't work. It is a file that i download, change, and then want to upload again to overwrite it. The download works, but when uploading response.GetStatus() gives 1003, which according to the documentation is invalid file. But i don't understand what it means, the file is not currupt and the program should be able to find it as it is in the directory of the exe. I tried "C:\\file.html" and copied it there but that doesn't help either.
What's the issue?

Pages: [1]