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Messages - Frizi

Pages: [1]
SFML website / Re: New website
« on: July 19, 2013, 11:46:24 pm »
Maybe it is a bit of overkill, but still, please, at least make the URLs more friendly. And after all, javascript libraries are not bad if you actually use the included code. MVC is superlight concept that can be applied to almost every website that has more than one page. For the sake of expandability.

SFML website / Re: New website
« on: July 18, 2013, 08:16:03 pm »
I think there should be a public repository (on github maybe) with this website. The design is quite good now,  but still there is a lot of space for improvements (some UX stuff, community tutorials, URLs not rewritten!). The site lacks a developer spending his time exclusively for it. Great libraries and tools needs professional websites. Look at the http://git-scm.com/, the site is open sourced.

First of all, maintaining a big blob of separated php files is a hell of mess, even for the site like that. Look at some MVC frameworks and adapt the philosophy or leave it for the community. If i would have done it, I would have picked the onepage approach. Look at the Angular.js library. It is bloody easy to do some MVC magic without even having php. The downside is javascript dependency (which could be eliminated for basic usecases).

Window / SFML 2.0 - VideoMode querying issue
« on: November 03, 2011, 10:59:39 pm »
I have a issue with Video Modes. I want to set window to fullscreen with the best resolution possible (as default setting).
So, my first approach to get this resolution was
Code: [Select]

sf::VideoMode vm = sf::VideoMode::GetDesktopMode();
std::cout << "w,h(" << vm.Width << ", " << vm.Height << ")" << std::endl;

but i got this error

Failed to use the XRandR extension while trying to get the desktop video modes
w,h(0, 0)

my later tests:

Code: [Select]

std::vector<sf::VideoMode> VModes = sf::VideoMode::GetFullscreenModes();
std::cout << "vm count: " << VModes.size() << std::endl;
BOOST_FOREACH(sf::VideoMode vm, VModes)
std::cout << "w,h(" << vm.Width << ", " << vm.Height << ")" << std::endl;

I got same error and output

vm count: 0

My system spec:
Fedora FC 15 (under KDE, because of working drivers), ATI Radeon HD 4850 with latest catalyst.

and small meaningful terminal copy-paste

[frizi@Frizi ~]$ xrandr
RandR extension missing

it is missing since migration to catalyst drivers from mesa (it doesn't support 3.30 shaders).

I have dual monitor setup working with xinerama.

After querying xinerama displays with this code
Code: [Select]

Display *mDisplay;
mDisplay = XOpenDisplay(XDisplayName(NULL));
XineramaScreenInfo *screens;
int num_screens;
int i = 0;
screens = XineramaQueryScreens(mDisplay,&num_screens);
<< "xinerama " << i << ": x,y,w,h("
<< screens[i].x_org << ", "
<< screens[i].y_org << ", "
<< screens[i].width << ", "
<< screens[i].height << ")"
<< std::endl;


i got

xinerama 0: x,y,w,h(0, 0, 1280, 1024)
xinerama 1: x,y,w,h(1280, 0, 1680, 1050)

It is totally true, but i want it with SFML. I had similar issues with xinerama under SDL, it detects my monitors as one big device without any better data.

Is there something i am doing wrong? Or maybe it is a bug that should be fixed?

I forgot to mention that i'm talking about latest SFML 2.0 snapshot.

Feature requests / Shaders, vertex shaders?
« on: May 19, 2011, 10:36:39 pm »
I'm just trying to code a skeletal animations for 2d sprites. First thought: vertex shaders. Second: how to do that in sfml?
This library really lacks of this functionality. If can create pixel-based effect, then why i cannot do the same with my geometry? Now i must do it by myself dirty way coding my own shader wrapper (or do it on CPU). I can do that, but wait, SFML should be Simple ;)


Pages: [1]