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Messages - knox_rolley

Pages: [1]
General / Poll event vs GetInput()
« on: August 24, 2011, 08:36:18 pm »
Oh that sounds right, the event stack is better suited for actual events and GetInput() naturally checks each frame and in doing so is good for movement and the like. Thanks for the quick & concise reply.

By the way, no actually i use SFML 2.0, in fact my other 3 or 4 posts were all about problems i encountered building it a while back :D

and if i recall correctly sfml 1.6 uses GetEvent instead of PollEvent for syntax
luckily that was about all the changed syntax i encountered during the transition with my low level skills

thanks again, i'll be back with actual problems sooner or later, this one was just a conceptual quarry hehe

General / Poll event vs GetInput()
« on: August 24, 2011, 07:59:36 pm »
Hello, i'm curious about something regarding player input.
I understand both polling events and doing a .GetInput().IsKeyDown can work for detecting when a key is pressed, and I seem to be using both in my current project.
Polling events handles going through a door (W key) and i usec getinput to incorporate a yoyo item when return is pressed, i guess because i did that later on in the programming progress. movement is also with GetInput (A and D keys).

Is there a big difference here, is it recommendable to stick with one of these methods?

I have seen poll event be applied for closing the screen a lot but directional movement seems to work with GetInput() is many programs, to cite an example of both being in the same program. i guess thats my question. my program is functional and i seem to be becoming more efficient at debugging so i might as well work out the minor details. by the way i just organized all my code which was a little scrambled up, which is why i got to this question in the first place

General / Building SFML2 Workspace(Codeblocks) error
« on: June 13, 2011, 11:03:52 pm »
MINGW32-MAKE: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.

this is the result of 'mingw32-make'

Erased rest of post and:

Fixed the thing!
i gave up on the makefiles for a while ( :( ) but here's the good news:

i gave the codeblocks workspace another go to see if i was dealing with the same problem and checked the
Compiler and debugger...:
Toolchain executables:

Here, my Make Program option was: make.exe

i recalled a few threads and changing it to "mingw32-make.exe" came to mind

after changing it, and building workspace:

Code: [Select]
Linking CXX static library ..\..\..\lib\libsfml-main.a
Built target sfml-main
Process terminated with status 0 (2 minutes, 58 seconds)
0 errors, 0 warnings


it took a few minutes to get to 100% but while writing this i was watching it link everything and it went perfectly!!

thanks for the help ! wouldn't have kept trying to get to the bottom of this without it, so merci Laurent. will be posting again for sure, what with the sfml 2 doc / tutorial learning process ahead. for future reference, i should probably figure out how to make a stupid makefile hehe

General / Building SFML2 Workspace(Codeblocks) error
« on: June 13, 2011, 01:34:34 pm »
I see

so i can scrap the IDE without losing any comfort? alright sounds good, MakeFiles it is-

to answer your question, yes i tried with system, main, install, recache, and a few more but they all game the same message.. except the word 'all' was in both cases substituted by the corresponding target ('system' or 'install' or what have ye).

i will do that, in fact i already have, but to not get ahead of myself i'll explain: i tried generating a makefile but then i didnt understand how to actually use it. im not much game at the command prompt, with a little luck and an old thread, i got the paths right but then it wouldnt let me make a mingw32-make or a cmake makefile, or whatever it has to make
i tried a few of them, based on which section of the tutorial i was interpreting to be the right command, with the paths
i think cmake brought up a list of commands regarding cmake and workspaces for ides, but thats about as close as i got

so i guess i'm a problem shorter in this world if i get the execution of the makefile right, cmake brought up commands, mingw32-make didnt work out for me, cmake-gui brought up the generator and generated, but no dice getting it to open a makefile..

by the way, thanks for the fast reply! checking the tutorial again now

Edit: >mingw32-make install

gives: MINGW32-MAKE: *** No rule to make target 'install'. Stop.

that should be more concise
im googling at the moment but with little luck

General / Building SFML2 Workspace(Codeblocks) error
« on: June 13, 2011, 03:10:58 am »
_On windows
_downloaded cmake / sfml2 and followed tutorial

had some trouble with the configuration step, fixed that with the PATH variable (included ....mingw\bin)

selected codeblocks makefile in generator option

OK, finished configuring, didnt change the check boxes (that is, build_shared_libs check, cmake_build_type Release, static_std_libs not checked)

configured properly, generated properly

then i opened the workspace, which i rooted to SFML/SFML2-build

it was there, but building workspace (target: all) brings up this:

Code: [Select]
-------------- Build: all in SFML ---------------

Using makefile: Makefile
Execution of 'make.exe -s -f Makefile all' in 'C:\SFML\SFML 2-build' failed.
Nothing to be done.

not fun!

it seems pretty straightforward (to anyone with half a brain for this kind of error), but i dont even know where to start. make.exe, if somewhere in my sfml2, is pretty well hidden. i googled and checked the forums but i couldnt find a similar case

this irritated me to the point of giving up my sfml forum lurking and registering, which will probably have been a good idea anyway when i get to more difficult projects that simple tutorials or guides or practice cant help with

so can someone help me out?  :(

Pages: [1]