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Messages - Sylmael

Pages: [1]
SFML projects / iCE³ - clone of Minecraft
« on: September 19, 2011, 08:23:02 pm »
Wow, this sure will help me further. Thank you very much. :)

SFML projects / iCE³ - clone of Minecraft
« on: September 19, 2011, 05:08:40 pm »
One more question for you Kalith. Can you please explain me, which faces do you use when you calculate smooth - per vertex lighting?

SFML projects / iCE³ - clone of Minecraft
« on: September 17, 2011, 11:37:14 am »
Thanks :)
This is the part i am trying to optimize now. I recalculate frustrum every frame even if the camera doesn't move (pretty hardcore i know).

Here is how it works :

* i have an array of big chunks 16x128x16 blocks (data) + bbox
* then i make 8 mini chunks (16x16x16 blocks) from each big chunk (8 display lists) and calculate their bbox as well

Render loop :
* looping through array of big chunks and testing against frustum : if in frustum then check which one from 8 mini chunks are in frustum too and add them to render array

It looks like simple octree algorythm.

SFML projects / iCE³ - clone of Minecraft
« on: September 16, 2011, 10:43:21 pm »
Saddly i don't have a website or blog for shoving my project. But i can share some screenshots. Sorry for the image quality. It's night here and i start to feel very sleepy.

About the project :
* currently there is a big bug after refactoring chunk class so the framerate is pretty bad
* working sliding collision
* working animated models
* sun & block lighting but only per face
* terrain and cave generator
* block placing, removing
* sky with sun (sunrise/sunset), moon, stars and clouds
* raining and snowing

And sorry if i spam your topic with pictures. I can delete them, or you can,  after watching.

Yes and why i switched to java. Simple reason : portability, faster developing and flexible code. Who knows, maybe i port it back to c++ someday. :)

SFML projects / iCE³ - clone of Minecraft
« on: September 16, 2011, 09:12:54 pm »
Oh thanks, i understand now perfectly. Well I work on a minecraft clone myself too. (first tried coding it in c++ but then moved to java and lwjgl). Maybe i can help you with my pearls of wisdom and knowledge somehow. ;)

SFML projects / iCE³ - clone of Minecraft
« on: September 16, 2011, 07:36:01 pm »
Interesting, thanks for sharing. So when i have a chunk 16x128x16 blocks (xyz) i need only 16x16 pixels lighting texture? And how this technique deals with sun light that enters a cave. When this is a 2D texture it can describe light brightness for one block per pixel.. sorry but i am little confused here. :) But this topic is very interesting for programmer like me.

SFML projects / iCE³ - clone of Minecraft
« on: September 16, 2011, 09:23:55 am »
Hi Kalith, can you tell me how this texture lighting works? Nice work btw ;).

Pages: [1]