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Messages - Cukta

Pages: [1]
C / Using sfInput
« on: September 26, 2011, 12:58:38 am »
I'm just writing a simple pong game, for that reason I think I need to use sfInput instead of sfEvent, the problem is that I don't know how.

If I use

Code: [Select]

sfInput *input = sfRenderWindow_GetInput(App);

if(sfInput_IsKeyDown(input, sfKeyUP)
    sfShape_Move(racket, 0.f, moveY);

I get the following error:
Code: [Select]

cannot inplicity convert expresison (module App) of type void to sfRenderWindow

But if I use:

Code: [Select]

sfInput *input;

if(sfInput_IsKeyDown(input, sfKeyUP)
    sfShape_Move(racket, 0.f, moveY);

It compiles fine, but everything fails during performance. So my cuestion is how to use correctly this function.

Plus I have to say I'm not using csfml, I'm using derelict.sfml a binding from csfml to D.

D / What libraries to link when building DSFML2? (64-bit Linux)
« on: September 20, 2011, 03:48:48 am »
I've the same problem, but in a 32-bits machine with arch-linux, my question is how did you figure how to fix it becouse all I can find is related with  GDC's errors compiling.

Also, what do you mean with:

I wasn't building with -lib.

Do you mean something like:

Code: [Select]
dsss build -lib

Pages: [1]