General / sfeMovie installation and general building questions
« on: December 07, 2011, 07:52:28 am »
Alright, so I've tried going through everything again with no luck. Just want to go through my steps in case there are any obvious errors.
1. Open build.sh and cmakelists to change 10.5 to 10.6. Also change arch to x86_64, and add the two lines in previous reply.
2. Run build.sh. Selecting 1 or 4 for ffmpeg successfully completes, but there are a ton of warnings. First set encountered:
My question here would be whether or not you get warnings, or if it is a completely clean build?
3. Check that /product folder exists, and that the header and .dylib file are there.
4. Make clean and install to move the files to /usr/local
5. Add that .dylib file to linked libraries and Build phase -> copy files in Xcode.
6. Test movie throws errors mentioned above. The warnings are interesting though:
It looks like it is trying to references files in the deps folder within the main folder I downloaded the source to, and not in /usr/local or the actual project directory. Could this be a permission issue, or is it supposed to look at the directory it was built in? Or, am I missing a step in adding dependencies?
1. Open build.sh and cmakelists to change 10.5 to 10.6. Also change arch to x86_64, and add the two lines in previous reply.
2. Run build.sh. Selecting 1 or 4 for ffmpeg successfully completes, but there are a ton of warnings. First set encountered:
Code: [Select]
WARNING: pkg-config not found, library detection may fail.
HTML doc/developer.html
HTML doc/faq.html
HTML doc/general.html
HTML doc/libavfilter.html
CC libavdevice/alldevices.o
CC libavdevice/avdevice.o
AR libavdevice/libavdevice.a
CC libavfilter/af_anull.o
CC libavfilter/allfilters.o
CC libavfilter/asink_anullsink.o
CC libavfilter/asrc_anullsrc.o
CC libavfilter/avcodec.o
CC libavfilter/avfilter.o
CC libavfilter/avfiltergraph.o
CC libavfilter/defaults.o
libavfilter/defaults.c: In function ‘set_common_formats’:
libavfilter/defaults.c:207: warning: pointer of type ‘void *’ used in arithmetic
libavfilter/defaults.c:212: warning: pointer of type ‘void *’ used in arithmetic
CC libavfilter/drawutils.o
My question here would be whether or not you get warnings, or if it is a completely clean build?
3. Check that /product folder exists, and that the header and .dylib file are there.
4. Make clean and install to move the files to /usr/local
5. Add that .dylib file to linked libraries and Build phase -> copy files in Xcode.
6. Test movie throws errors mentioned above. The warnings are interesting though:
Code: [Select]
warning: Could not open OSO file /Users/veeneck/GameDev/sfeMovieGit/deps/ffmpeg-build/libswscale.a(rgb2rgb.o) to scan for pubtypes for objfile /usr/local/lib/libsfe-movie.dylib
It looks like it is trying to references files in the deps folder within the main folder I downloaded the source to, and not in /usr/local or the actual project directory. Could this be a permission issue, or is it supposed to look at the directory it was built in? Or, am I missing a step in adding dependencies?