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Messages - dejan

Pages: [1]
General / SFML 2.0 RC Bug
« on: April 30, 2012, 07:15:37 pm »
Hello, i've been using older SFML 2.0 beta version, i believe that it was from 2011 if i am not mistaken.
Anyway, few days ago i started one project with it and it all worked good. Then, i saw that the SFML 2.0 RC got released, so i decided to try it out. I just replaced the old files with the new files and i get this error on my project that i started with earlier 2.0 build:

"The procedure entry point ?display@Window@sf@@QAEXXZ could not be located in the dynamic link library sfml-window-2.dll"

(image http://imgur.com/Pm8R0)

What could be causing it?

PS I am linking debug libs (sfml-window-d.lib )

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