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Topics - nfries88

Pages: [1]
Feature requests / sf::HTTP - full HTTP/1.1 compliance
« on: October 27, 2010, 10:15:28 pm »
Well, I see that the HTTP code in SFML is not completely compliant with the HTTP/1.1 standard (it doesn't accept 100 Continue or 101 Switching Protocols, among other things). I'm not even sure if it's completely compliant to the HTTP/1.0 standard.

Are there intentions to improve upon this?

Feature requests / RenderTarget::SetScissor
« on: October 27, 2010, 10:09:09 pm »
I have found glScissor(...) quite useful in the past. Although it is simple enough to call the OpenGL functions, I would prefer to use the API exposed by SFML.

The main thing I've personally used it for is to enforce game region and GUI object bondaries (for example, preventing text from overflowing its window). There are alternatives, but glScissor is the simplest and cleanest solution.

General discussions / SFML Q/A
« on: April 11, 2009, 06:59:00 pm »
Being as I'm a C++ developer with most of my programming experience being with Object-Oriented code, I really like [the idea of] SFML, but have yet to use it and am not really interested in switching from SDL until I have a few questions answered:

1) Does SFML support multiple graphics backends on Linux? Specifically I'm interested in porting SFML to Google Android to develop programs for smartphones using Android, but I know nothing about using linux fbcon so if this backend already exists in SFML it makes that much easier.

2) Is there any plan in the future for SFML to support multiple displays, like is planned for SDL 1.3 and already present in libggi?

3) Does SFML, or will it ever, support multiple mice and detect when mice are attached or detached? From my understanding SDL 1.3-SVN already has this, and it's a feature that I personally would have a purpose for.

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