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Topics - glider521al

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Clearing only Selected parts of a render texture.
« on: August 23, 2013, 03:38:22 pm »
The problem
I'm using the .net implementation of SFML, and I can't see any way of clearing only a selected region of the RenderTexture

I was hoping for renderTexture.Clear(intRect);

Some background on why I need this.
I plan to have a way of having multiple layers of (often) semi-transparent tiles, that frequently change,
render to the screen with much better performance on older computers:

  • The world could is divided into chunks each with a render texture comprising 256 tiles (16 w, 16 h)
  • As the player moves through the world, each chunk that is seen, is rendered once to a render texture
  • When the window renders the world, it only needs to render the render texture of the chunks that are visible
  • Each time tiles are terraformed (which in my case is frequent), only a small section of the render texture should be cleared and rerendered

The problem is that I can't clear selected parts of the texture to become transparent. I need to clear and redraw to the entire render texture :(

Maybe there's a better way around this. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.

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