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Topics - CalledMaster

Pages: [1]
General / Drawing problem / bug?
« on: October 05, 2013, 01:41:34 pm »
Hey guys,

first of all, i'm using SFMl.net, so all the code in the project is written in C#.
Here's the link to my project: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/64239360/Ze2D.zip.

Now to my problem:

I'm using a simple menu system that allows the user to enter a Game-Menu when pressing ESC during a Game-Session (start the project, it'll explain it). This normally looks like this:



When you click on "Resume", the Game-Session is active again and the Game-Menu closes and you can enter it with ESC again.

When i repeat this several times, this happens:



Or even more crazy results...

Even the Main-Menu is affected after the bug appeared once.



I have no idea why this happens, so i don't know if i didn't understand how to use the API correctly or if it's just a bug or anything else.

I'm using VisualStudio 2010 Ultimate on Windows 7 HP 64bit.

Please help me. :'(

Thank you,


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