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Topics - Fedcomp

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Drawing grid 16x16 all over the window?
« on: November 08, 2013, 09:39:21 pm »
Searching a bit, i found discussions on this forums how to make a line.
I tryed to use new knowledge to make a grid 16x16 with the size of the main window but failed with segfault.
How to draw 16x16 grid of the size of main window?

Graphics / Crash on font.loadFromFile()
« on: November 06, 2013, 09:37:35 am »
Hello sfml forums!

When i try to use font.loadFromFile() with correct/incorrect path in release configuration it crashes the application.
Example code:
int Game::Run(){
// ...
                sf::Font font;
// gameloop

BUT! it only happens in release mode! Not even message like "cannot load the font %font name%". When i using debug configuration _everything_ works fine, i can display text, i can use my own custom font etc. Even if i only add thoose two lines (the code above) and not using them, it still crash the game, for some reason sf::font crashes the application in release mode during loadFromFile().
In release configuration drawing sprites and camera and keyboard is working, so i guess everything else is working correct except Font. I have googled a bit and found that sfml font had issues with crash before, but it seems has been fixed. However it happens with me.

OS: Windows 7 x64
Compiler: Cmake + Mingw
SFML: version 2, statically linked to the project.
IDE: Codeblocks project made by cmake.
All software - mingw,code::blocks,cmake,sfml is freshly downloaded 3-6 days ago (in case with sfml is SFML Sources on download page)

If i compile SFML in debug or release configuration, nothing is changing. I haven't tryed to dynamically link sfml libs, but i think if everything else is working, and even font is working in debug configuration, it's not an issue.

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