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Topics - ColdMist

Pages: [1]
General / inconsistent fps
« on: November 25, 2013, 01:40:47 am »
when running the program in the initial 2-10 sec the frame rate is around 10
but then jumps to 60
but sometimes it doesn't jump up to 60 fps
forcing me to restart the program
now my 4th loop is no different from 5th loop or the 30th loop
which is why i don't think this is a code problem
also checking windows task manager when it is running at 10 fps the cpu usage is around 100%
but when its around 60 fps the cpu usage is way less then 30%
so basically i have no clue what the problem is
language is c++
os windows 7

any help is appreciated =)

Pages: [1]