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Topics - chriss

Pages: [1]
Audio / Lack with Music and spatialization
« on: October 14, 2009, 08:24:55 am »

First I hope this wasn't a topic before, but i couldn't find anything similar.

Ok, my goal is to implement a voicechat to a game, where players can hear their group members in the 3d environment.
To test if it is possible with something that is no sf::Sound, I tested it with Music first.

It works quite well but I think there is an issue.
With the Listener at 0,0,0 and the Music at 1,0,0 I hear the Music from the right speaker an with the Music at -1,0,0 from the left speaker.
So far so good. Then I extended the loop (check if the sound is still playing and wait) to let the sound move from x = -1 to 1.
Then I realized that 1. The sound doesn't move. It just hops from one speaker to the other then it switches from 0.1 to -0.1 and other wise.
I'm not really sure what happens at 0,0,0 but I can hear exactly the jump point.

Well I would expect that the Music will smothely switch the speakers.

Some details to the example. The sound goes from -1 to 1 and back. The Position switches every 100ms with the stepsize 0.1. I also tried with the Stepsize 0.01.

It meight be an OpenAL Problem. So I hope someone had the same issue and propably knows a workaround.

Regards Chriss

I'm using SFML 1.5 and extended this example:

System / Thread startet from a Thread
« on: July 22, 2009, 12:24:33 am »

there is somethin i don't understand at the Thread class.
When i write my own class and let it inerhit sf::Thread, i can start it that way

Code: [Select]

myThreadClass myThread;

This works really well, but when I do that within a running thread, the function Run of myThreadClass isn't called.

It seams that the Object is destroyed, before the Run Method could be launched.
In functions of the Main thread does everything work well.
Any idears, how this could be?

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