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Topics - Szabo

Pages: [1]
Hello there.

Gamedev wannabe here :).

I'm wondering... since python is such a simple and 'rapid' language, and SFML is such a multimedia powerhouse with awesome performance, and cython is compatible with python but delivers much better performance... is it possible to mix all of these ingredients with 'pymunk' and a little bit of pepper to achieve the 'ultimate 2d game engine' for desktops?

I mean, generally python (cpython) is fast enough (not for my game though) but there's the problem with distributing the stuff, you have to use things like pyinstaller to distribute for win/mac and it's not a very good approach imho.

Cython can build native binaries on all platforms it supports, I'm not sure how is the procedure and if it's more 'failsafe' than pyinstaller, but it does provide a hell of a improvement in performance (even in pure python sometimes i get 5x the performance) in the tests I did compiling a 'library' with cython (I don't know how to compile the entire shebang (aka, the 'entry point') itself, but afa it's possible it's okay)...

So... any ideas? I've been using some 'alternatives' like Unity and Monkey-X but they all have a lot of caveats and I really need a decent 2d physics engine (yes, unity has 2d physics but the API is soooo limited and monkey-x has only some slow ports) which certainly pymunk provides, I just need a way to program the thing in cython and distribute it in a relatively fail-safe way.

Any help is appreciated.

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