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Topics - SlySherZ

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Blurry small sized letters
« on: June 21, 2014, 01:32:56 am »
I'm using SFML with various letter types like courier and vera serif. When I tried to lower the letter size to ~12 some letters appear blurry and lighter.

I think it as to due with the letters not matching screen pixels.

Do you guys know a way to make this effect less visible?

Network / Exception on socket.send() - Solved! Thank you all!
« on: June 19, 2014, 01:23:35 am »
Hey guys! I'm writing down some code to use on a simple messaging server.

Whenever the server has to send some messages in a row, I get:  Access violation reading location 0xFEEEFEF6
I've been getting some errors for trying to modify free heap values too.

this is where I allocate the socket (Sorry if it's hard to read :S)

client_list.push_back(Client("", false, new sf::TcpSocket));  //I'm creating a client object, storing it
                                listener.accept(*(client_list[client_list.size() - 1].S.Socket));     //on a vector
                                selector.add(*(client_list[client_list.size() - 1].S.Socket));

And I free memory here.
delete client_list[i].S.Socket;
client_list.erase(client_list.begin() + i , client_list.begin() + i + 1);

Maybe this isn't enough to get a correct evaluation, but I don't really know from where else the bug could be coming from.


General / Setting SFML up in VC 2013
« on: June 13, 2014, 05:01:34 pm »
Hey guys. I spent more than 2 hours already trying to install SFML so... I decided to call for help.

I followed the tutorial (at least I think I did): got the source, ran CMake on it, and finally compiled INSTALL project.

New project -> setting everything up as requested and...
Error   1   error LNK1104: cannot open file 'sfml_audio-d.lib'

I checked the project definitions more than 20 times already. I tried to change Linker->Additional Directories to every folder on my pc that as that library, no success :S
Already tried to start from scratch, use different definitions on CMake, still not working.


Pages: [1]