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Topics - hiram

Pages: [1]
General / FPS Peaks with VSync-enabled (59Hz refresh rate)
« on: August 29, 2014, 01:12:46 pm »

I'm observing the FPS peaks in a program with V-Sync Enabled on a monitor with 59Hz refresh rate. Framerate limit is disabled, as expected. FYI, it's on a Mac OS X 10.10 (haven't tested the same code in other OSes), I'm using latest SFML (master) from Git (compiled as Release).

As far as I know, V-Sync tends to keep framerate (FPS) similar to the monitor refresh rate. The magic happens on GPU. However, I'm observing these peaks and it's causing sprites movements to"lag", once they are dependent on deltaTime (time per frame) and a big variation will affect the movement.

I've attached a chart with my measurements. The peaks happens intermitently. They are not caused by something I do on the main loop.

Is that a normal behavior with V-Sync enabled?

Note: I was expecting the FPS to be nearly constant. Also, I know I could use setFramerateLimit, but I'd rather prefer to trust on the underlying hardware mechanisms to achive the desired FPS.

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