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Topics - Ivysaur

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System / Thread gets put to sleep . How can i avoid that ?
« on: February 12, 2015, 10:12:00 pm »
I was programming my Game until i found a Problem with Threads .
By the Way i got all my Functions and Variables in one Class (Besides the main) .

int main()
        Game Game1;   //Create an Instance of the Game and initialise it

        sf::Thread THGetKeyInput(&Game::GetKeyInput,&Game1);
        THGetKeyInput.launch();             //Create and launch the Thread which Function takes Events from the
                                                            //Main Window and puts them in bools in the Game1 Instance

        Game1.menu();   //Start the actuall Game . Here is the Problem

What apparently happens is that the call of Function Game1.menu puts the main Function to sleep .
And because THGetKeyInput is a part of the main Function it gets put to sleep too .

Is there any solution to this Problem while still just creating and running a Thread once ?

I've tried to make a Thread for both Functions and adding while() to the main Function but then
the Game1.menu Function seems to be unable to draw Sprites in the Window .

If the Problem is something else pls tell me .

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