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Topics - Yaxlat

Pages: [1]
General / Collision detection with an image.
« on: April 01, 2015, 06:13:29 pm »
I have a "spike" object which I want to implement into my game, which has:
  • A particular image, which looks something like this:
  • A position
  • And a rotation
The position and rotation can change dynamically.

I can get the thing to display, but I don't know how to do collision detection. I was thinking of either creating some sort of shape around the object upon initialization and somehow collision detect with that, or use pixel perfect collision.

However I don't know which one is better, or if there is another solution, and in any case I dont know how to achieve those things. I have only dealth with rectangles and circles when it comes to collision detection in the past.

Can someone give me a hand?

General / Save to Image not working?
« on: March 22, 2015, 01:07:56 am »
I have written the following code:

    string imageName = "levelImage";   
    sf::RenderTexture r;
    for(vector<GameObject*>::const_iterator i = gameObjects.begin(); i != gameObjects.end(); ++i) {

Which should create an image of all my gameObjects. However, I am getting the error message: "failed to save image: "levelImage.png"" I am almost certain the problem is not within the for loop btw.

General / Drawing onto PNG instead of onto window using SFML
« on: March 21, 2015, 10:51:30 pm »
I am creating a platformer game using SFML, and my "Level Size" is a lot larger than my window size. So I am using sf::View to move around the view while I move.

What I do every frame is:
  • I draw everything onto the window
  • Set the view to be part of the window
  • Run window.display()
  • Run window.clear()
What I want to do now, however, is to draw each element onto an image (.png) file. A couple details:
  • This image should be the same size as my "Level Size"
  • I don't want it zoomed in anyway - it should not be affected by my current window or view
  • Finally there are transparent parts of the image, because I have not drawn them onto my canvas. I do not want these black in my image, but rather transparent
How can I achieve this? Ideally I would like to run a function like this: exportPNG(string filename, level).
Thanks a lot!

General / SFML 2.2 Error involving glew (and maybe opengl)
« on: March 13, 2015, 12:03:03 am »
I recently upgraded to SFML 2.2, and after this my code stop running.
I get these error messages now, and I am assuming it is related to glew (and maybe opengl)
(click to show/hide)
Nothing else has changed since I updated

General / Repeating a texture when using a tileset
« on: March 03, 2015, 11:15:38 pm »
For my basic "obstacle" object, I have sprites which have a width and height which is larger than those of the textures they are using. In order fix this, I use texture.setRepeated(true). However I want to use a tileset such as this one when I have multiple textures, using the sprite.setTextureRect() function in order to select the right texture. At this point, I can no longer have a repeating texture. How can I fix this issue, such that I can having a repeating texture for a sprite, whilst using a tileset and the setTextureRect() function SFML provides?

Pages: [1]