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Topics - Iggy

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Drawing to a sf::RenderTexture causing memory leak.
« on: May 23, 2015, 12:14:50 am »
Hi there, I'm using a render texture to draw a tilemap everything works perfect except for the fact there is a memory leak caused when i draw a sprite to it.

I left my game engine running overnight and when i checked in the morning i had "program stopped working" messagebox. So i started the engine again and watched the task manager.  I found that memory just keeps building up without being released. I narrowed it down to a single line - drawing a sprite to a local render texture.

Here's the code:

//local variable too
sf::RenderTexture RenderTexture;

RenderTexture.create(RenderTarget.getSize().x + m_TileSize.first * 2, RenderTarget.getSize().y + m_TileSize.second * 2);

for (auto Tile : m_Tiles)//std::vector<sf::Sprite> m_Tiles;
        if (ScreenSpace.intersects(Tile.getGlobalBounds()))//check if tile is onscreen
                //get current world co-ordinates
                SpriteWorldPos = Tile.getPosition();

                //set sprites position to converted pixel co-ordinates
                Tile.setPosition(sf::Vector2f{ RenderTarget.mapCoordsToPixel(Tile.getPosition()) });

                //draw tile at pixel position
                RenderTexture.draw(Tile);//this line causes memory to leak, no problem when this single line is commented
                //^^^ problem line ^^^

                //set position back at world co-ordinates

EDIT: I was originally using SFML 2.2 when i noticed this, i upgraded to 2.3 but same problem.

General / Help drawing only onscreen sprites
« on: April 21, 2015, 07:52:25 pm »
Hi there, im having some trouble streaming sprites that are within screen space. For example if i have 5000 sprites in my level but only 500 are within the screen, i only want to draw those 500 and not blindly draw the full 5000.

Here's some code, note that the windows view is always centered on pEngine->get_player().
for (auto& ColumnTile : Row)
    //Trying to check if tile is within the screen? or am i wrong
        if (ColumnTile.graphics_shape().getPosition().x > pEngine->get_player()->getPosition().x - (RenderTarget.getSize().x / 2) &&
                ColumnTile.graphics_shape().getPosition().x < pEngine->get_player()->getPosition().x + (RenderTarget.getSize().x / 2) &&
                ColumnTile.graphics_shape().getPosition().y > pEngine->get_player()->getPosition().y - (RenderTarget.getSize().y / 2) &&
                ColumnTile.graphics_shape().getPosition().y < pEngine->get_player()->getPosition().y + (RenderTarget.getSize().y / 2)
                //draw if it's on the screen

The problem is half of the map dissapears (is not drawn), or to many sprites are drawn when they shouldn't be - it just doesn't work. Anyone have any idea why?

Help is much appreciated, thanks.

EDIT: Also the sprites are definatly initialized to the correct position, as they are all drawn perfect without the attempted bounds check.

Pages: [1]