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Topics - areriff

Pages: [1]
I see different CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE option in CMake. I especially want to know about MinSizeRel.
The *.lib file generated are all have different sizes (even between Release and RelWithDebInfo).
I know that:

- Debug : Build un-optimized debug library with debugging symbol (.pdb)
- Release : Build optimized library without debugging symbol.

- RelWithDebInfo : ?? Build optimized library with debugging symbol ??
- MinSizeRel : ????

The documentation here https://www.sfml-dev.org/tutorials/2.4/compile-with-cmake.php stated that the last two are meant for more advanced build and doesn't explain further.

Can somebody explain?

Graphics / How to combine two shapes together?
« on: June 20, 2016, 03:49:00 pm »
I'm new to SFML and beginner-intermediate in C++.
I have two shapes (perhaps with its own texture).
How to combined two shapes into one?

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