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Topics - ClaudioVC

Pages: [1]
Audio / Attaching SoundBuffers
« on: February 17, 2017, 06:33:15 am »
Hi all,
Well, like the title says,is there any way to attach 2 soundbuffer? like:

sf::SoundBuffer buffer1;
sf::SoundBuffer buffer2;
sf::SoundBuffer buffer3;
----then i record 2 times for buffer1 and buffer2 and now i want to attach them-----
buffer3 = buffer1 + buffer2;

or other way, is there any way to attach 2 sounds?

Thanks all.

Audio / Delay Between Record and Play
« on: February 17, 2017, 01:45:53 am »
Hi all!,
I was writing a little about it in General Section, but i think the main theme of the topic is not the same.

Well, i'm working in a Software for a Loop Pedal. I'm starting with the code, so i'm just trying to do one loop works. So, the idea is record the loop and when i stop record then play the sound recorded. i made this code:

                if(Event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::R){
                    std::cout<<"> Recording Loop"<<std::endl;
                else if(Event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::S){
                    std::cout<<"> Playing Loop"<<std::endl;
                    buffer = recorder.getBuffer();
                    std::cout<<"> Delay Between Record and Play: "<<clock.getElapsedTime().asMicroseconds()<<std::endl;

But i need those both actions start at the same time, i mean RECORD.STOP and SOUND.PLAY start together, because later i need to record another sound while im listening the first one and it doesnt have to exist delay. I print the delay between Record.stop and sound.play as MicroSeconds and i got this:

So i have 1570 microseconds between record.stop  and sound play. What can i do to get 0 second of Delay (or close)?.

I think if i put sound.play straight after record.stop it would works, but it couldnt be possible cause there are buffer = recorder.getbuffer() and sound.setbuffer() functions :/. Is there any way to avoid it?

Thanks to all!.

General / Using Threads with Sound Functions
« on: February 16, 2017, 06:46:17 am »
Hi all,
Well, im working in a software to a Loop Pedal, so i need to play sounds (recorded in the moment) at the same time that im recording other sounds. example:

> blah blah
> sound.play();
> recorder.start();
> blah blah

and i need those function start at the same time. i was thinking use this but it didnt work :

> blah blah
> sf::Thread thread(sound.play());
> thread.launch();
> recorder.start();
> blah blah

Im new using the SFML library, and i really dont know how use SFML threads and the tutorials just talk about how use it with c++ void function, but nothing about sfml functions (or i didnt realize) so any help will help.
Sorry for any english mistake.

I have Windows 10, and im working with CodeForce.


Pages: [1]