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Topics - alexb9054

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Projectile
« on: October 10, 2017, 01:17:10 am »
I have another question. So I'm creating a projectile in the form of an orb. I currently am able to have it move to a certain point and despawn, but I am unable to get it to reset the orb's location so it can do it again.
        //Code for Player Ability
        if (orbMovement == true)
                float move = velocity.x += 4;
                pOrb.setPosition(pImage.getPosition().x + 40, pImage.getPosition().y + 20);
                pOrb.move(move, 0);
                if (pOrb.getPosition().x >= pImage.getPosition().x + 300)
                        orbMovement = false;
        if (orbMovement == false)
                pOrb.setPosition(pImage.getPosition().x, pImage.getPosition().y);

and in the main function I'm using a switch statement that when 'F' is pressed it sets orbMovement to True as shown here,

                                if (evnt.key.code == sf::Keyboard::F)
                                        orbMovement = true;

I want it to once it moves to the maximum distance, the orb resets position and can do it again.

General / Jump Code
« on: October 08, 2017, 06:13:07 pm »
I've been a bit stuck for the past few days. Basically what I want to happen is when pImage(player Sprite) hits a certain height gravity activates and brings the player down. That way when you press the space key you don't continue going up and when released you go down. I Want it similar to that of a mario or traditional platformer. I currently have collision done, it's just this one part that has been driving me mad. I'm a bit new to this so I'm sure there is an easy solution to this problem.
                if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Key::Space))
                        source.y = Up;
                        pImage.move(0, -moveSpeed* clock.getElapsedTime().asSeconds());
                        //Debugging: Getting Player Position
                        std::cout << "Position X: " << pImage.getPosition().x
                                << "||Position Y: " << pImage.getPosition().y << std::endl;
                else if (pImage.getPosition().y >= 341)
                        pImage.move(0, moveSpeed* clock.getElapsedTime().asSeconds());

Pages: [1]