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Topics - Kornne

Pages: [1]
General / make install => Syntax error: word unexpected
« on: February 10, 2010, 11:17:21 pm »
Hello everybody.

A friend told me about SFML, and I decided to use it for my school work.
At school, we're working with FreeBSD running in a VM which is running on Debian.

Well, there is plenty of users and computers, so I of course don't have the su rights but I normally don't need'em to install things on my account.

When I try to "make install", I got this error :

(kornne@barbrady 1018)make install
Syntax error: word unexpected
*** Error code 2

Stop in /afs/epitech.net/users/epitech_2014/cudo_b/cu/SFML-1.5/CSFML.
(kornne@barbrady 1019)

My home folder path is /afs/epitech.net/users/epitech_2014/cudo_b/cu/

I guess I can change something in the makefiles, but there is plenty of them. I don't really know what should I change to get it to work.
I really hope that someone will help me, if I can use this library, it would be great. My work actually runs in the shell, using termcaps. I'd get some bonus points for making a graphical version.

Thanks !

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