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Topics - Zeleska

Pages: [1]
My project uses a C++ GUI library named Nana that only has static linking options, and the runtime options it needs is MTd for debug and MT for release. The GUI is finished, next, I wanted to use sfml's audio module, but since I am already using a library in my project that uses static linking, I tried to link sfml statically.

I finished following the steps in 'Learn' section, but when I try to run the program Visual Studio 2019 says that there is a mistmatch in the RuntimeLibrary value, it seems sfml uses MDd for debug and MD for release in static linking, is this correct or I am doing something wrong? SFML_STATIC is defined in the preprocessor, I did not skip that.

    40% not related question
Does a project that link statically to a library must use the runtime options MTd for debug and MT for release?, is this a law? or it can have the other runtime options MDd and MD respectively?
Can I link statically to a library and dynamically link to other library in the same project? yes or no?

General / SFML Game Development Chapter 3 question
« on: April 18, 2019, 05:01:18 am »
I don't understand: why in the class SceneNode the member function drawCurrent() is empty, but it seems it has functionality.
The book says (page 58):
We also provide a new virtual function drawCurrent() which only draws the current object (but not the children).

The function definition is (in the GitHub https://github.com/SFML/SFML-Game-Development-Book/blob/master/03_World/Source/SceneNode.cpp):
void SceneNode::drawCurrent(sf::RenderTarget&, sf::RenderStates) const

        // Do nothing by default


Also, this is quite the chapter haha.

Pages: [1]