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Topics - servvs

Pages: [1]
General / Problems with Drawable.Rotate
« on: April 14, 2010, 12:07:25 am »
Is there any way to rotate an image from an offset axis? Basically I want a wheel to spin in circles but it rotates around a large axis...

General / Help with bouncing ship
« on: April 11, 2010, 09:24:40 pm »
Ok so I have a ship sprite that I want to bounce back and forth from each edge of the screen. I am having trouble with it and here is the code:

Code: [Select]

float enemyVelocity = 150.0f * ElapsedTime;
float enemyXMax = wWidth - Sprite2.GetScale().x;
float enemyXMin = 0 + Sprite2.GetScale().x;
float spriteWidth = Sprite2.GetScale().x;
float spriteX;
spriteX = Sprite2.GetPosition().x;
cout << spriteX << endl;
if (spriteX >= enemyXMax)
     enemyVelocity = enemyVelocity * -1;
     spriteX = enemyXMax;
else if (spriteX <= enemyXMin);
     enemyVelocity = enemyVelocity * -1;
     spriteX = enemyXMin;

Sprite2.Move(enemyVelocity, 0);

Graphics / sprite.GetPosition and Vector2f
« on: April 11, 2010, 07:10:35 am »
So basically I am trying to make a ball that bounces around, but im unsure how to use the geposition and vector2 functions to do that. I don't understand how to use getposition to assign a float to said variable and then have my if statement read said variable and change directions when said variable reaches a point of the screen that it should not go out of.... A little enlightenment please?

while im here. I also want to learn more about classes. I understand them to a point and I know it makes it easier to create multiple enemies with their health and weather they are alive stored in the class, but i can't figure out how to implement that either... Basically I want a class for enemies with those things in them that way I can create my for loop and have multiple instances of the enemies but I can't get it to work with the sprites and what not... An example would be great though, or just some more enlightenment

I typed originally getscale :p same concept though

My latest attempt is
Code: [Select]

        sf::Vector2f::x EnemyWidthCheck;
        float enemyWidthCheck = EnemyWidthCheck.GetPosition;
        if (enemyWidthCheck >= wWidth)
            enemyMove = enemyMove * -1;

Ugh I feel dumb... its just sprite.GetPosition().x;

Still, any resources on classes would be great :p

Pages: [1]