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Topics - Zeus-Ammon

Pages: [1]
General / SFML CMake Windows
« on: March 14, 2020, 05:29:22 pm »

Im using SFML as a base to build another library on top. Until now I have been working on Linux with cmake (SFML from repositories) and i've been able to build my library with this simple CMakeLists.txt:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)

find_library(SYS sfml-system)
find_library(GRAPHICS sfml-graphics)
find_library(WINDOW sfml-window)

    source files .....

target_include_directories(my-lib PUBLIC ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR})
target_link_libraries(my-lib "${SYS}" "${GRAPHICS}" "${WINDOW}")

This generates my-lib.so which is exactly what I need to use elsewhere.

On Windows "find_library()" does not seem to find the libraries even after I have compiled SFML from source with nmake and running nmake install which installed SFML on Program Files.

Any help would be immensly appreciated.

Graphics / sf::Sprite streches the Texture
« on: September 27, 2019, 04:25:33 pm »
Hi. I have recently started playing around with SFML and have come across a strange problem.

I am creating a Tile Map implementation and the texture I'm using for the tiles is a 64*64 png but when it comes time to draw the sprites they seem to be stretched in the X axis to what appears to be exactly double the size (128*64).

I have no idea why this is happening. I load the tile texture from the file directly and I have checked that it loads with the correct size. When I create the sprites I use the constructor that receives a Texture which is my understanding that it creates the sprite such that it displays the texture in its original size. Then I simply move the sprite to its correct position (using move function).

To clarify even simply creating a sprite with said 64*64 texture and drawing it on screen still reproduces these results independently of any of my Tile Map implementation code being run.

To the effect of:

sf::RenderWindow window(sf::ViewMode(1920,1080), "Title", sf::Style::Fullscreen);
sf::Texture t;
sf::Sprite s( t );

// Somewhere in render loop

Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Pages: [1]