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Topics - Bytemare

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General / Start from .exe
« on: October 18, 2019, 12:13:56 pm »
I devolped a little game with SFML and C++.
My IDE is Visual Studio.

My problem:
When I start my program with visual studio (there's no differents between debug or release mode)
everything's working just fine and I got no errors.

But if I start the program with the .exe in my project folder, at one point of the program, it crashes
and I get no response.

My question is: What kind of problem could it be and why I just get that error, when starting with .exe?
And is it possible to debug the .exe some how?

I tried the following:
I started the exe and opened the task manager. Right click on the task and "debug" with Visual Studio.
But VS says that everything's fine. I got no error messages.

So what can I do to find the bug?


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