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Topics - vdweller

Pages: [1]

Newcomer to sfml. I installed it this week and managed to port some code that creates various GUI widgets with container capabilities in order to test both my C++ and SFML understanding. I managed to get it work 100%. Now I am moving on to shaders. I have experience with shaders only from GameMaker so I'd like a few pointers for the following question:

I am writing a simple test shader to move a vertex X pixels in the x-axis and Y pixels in the y-axis. I found out that SFML vertices operate in some sort of normalized coordinates. A solution was to convert pixels to the coordinate space that SFML uses and transform them before passing them as a uniform. Example:


Assuming a window size of 1024, this indeed moves the vertex 200 pixels to the right.

My question is: I'd like some help on how to set up a matrix or some other workaround to simply pass pixels to any shader without translating them to normalized coords in the uniform. As an example, I'd like to write:


Of course, in the shader I could add:


Where 1024 the x-resolution which can also be a uniform.

However this requires also passing the window size/resolution to each shader. What should I do to set up a transformation matrix which substitutes gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix that works with pixel coordinates directly?

Pages: [1]