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Topics - broncoian2

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General / Problems when sending a project to someone else.
« on: October 14, 2020, 06:03:31 pm »
Hello I've been working on a project in sfml using c++ with visual studio 15.  The game is a clone of pacman it's incomplete but I'm not here for that. 

On my system the game runs fine pacman can move (thats all you can do at the moment),  however when I send this project to someone else, the game loads but the pac-man does not move.

I've compiled in release, packaged the .exe, all DLL files, and all png files used for sprites all within a zip folder.  When I tested it on a different computer with the same OS, it worked fine.  This guy runs the same OS as me windows 10, but can't seem to get keyboard input.  I've tried looking the problem up but I couldn't find anything useful so I'm asking you guys. 

I don't think this is an issue on my end,  but I could be wrong,  I'm not really sure what to include so if you need anything specific just ask and I'll provide any information.

My question is,  what could be causing this prevention of detecting keyboard input on his end, and if you don't think it's keyboard input detection, what do you think the problem could be?  It's a hard question I know, and I'm sorry it is vague, but I don't have access to his computer so I don't have specific information.

Another hunch I have is that it's some kind of game loop timing issue, so then it would be on my end, however I'm not sure why it would work on a different computer but not his.

Again, I can provide links to anything useful, if you need something let me know.  Thanks you all.

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