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Topics - tarstevs

Pages: [1]
The below application does nothing but set the initial state for a chess game. Everything works as expected so long as I only resize the window in such a way that the window width >= the window height. My question relates to that resizing. I put the question at the bottom so that I could first share the code and highlight some relevant parts therein.

Here is the full application:

Here are some relevant places in the application:
The initial game state is prepared by drawing to an instance of RenderTexture (see board::render_board in board.cpp).

When everything is ready, the texture is drawn to the window with an instance of RenderWindow (see board::draw_board in board.cpp).

The game loop is in game_loop.cpp. Lines 46 and 49 are the calls to the board::render_board and board::draw_board methods mentioned above.

Here is the question I have:
What can I change so that the chess board doesn't disapear when the window is resized such that the width of the window is less than the height of the window?

Pages: [1]