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Topics - milawynsrealm

Pages: [1]
Graphics / RenderWindow inside of a class
« on: October 28, 2010, 05:59:19 am »
How should I create a window inside of a class? I am new to this library (I used SDL in the past), and I want to know how to create a window. I may be still learning C++, but I also want to learn how to program by doing. Learning the details of how C++ works is one thing, but being able to apply it to a real-world program is another ball of wax.

Below, I have an example of my first, and failed attempt at trying to do it:

Code: [Select]

class cGame{
     sf::RenderWindow mainWindow;

And then for the main code, I tried to use this code:
Code: [Select]

bool cGame::Run()
return true; //returns as true

// ...

void cGame::Cleanup()
//releases all the resources and closes the program
mainWindow.Close(); //closes the window

What am I doing wrong?

Pages: [1]