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Topics - GreenFlame

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SFML projects / Hello, I'm new here... my first project and my questions
« on: September 05, 2010, 03:25:51 pm »
Hello everyone, my first post here! =D

Some intro:
I'm a beginner in game development, I wanted to create games since my childhood but i had no idea how to do that...(i think you are familiar with this kind of story).

So, in school i had some programming practice in Visual Basic at lessons and i finished an additional 2 week programming course(which repeated school material) before my graduating exam. I graduated from the school and now I'm a student.

I have been enjoying write programs since i've understood how to do that =)
I decided to learn C++ to make my dream become reality, so with time i came here.

Sorry for my English and
Good Luck, everyone! =D

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