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Topics - Blackspell

Pages: [1]
Network / Socket Receive and Send at the same time (Threads)
« on: October 24, 2010, 01:08:57 am »
Is it possible to send and receive data on one socket(tcp) at the same time using two threads?

Network / Server Client managment
« on: September 15, 2010, 07:10:14 pm »
I have wrote a Server-Client application which sends a vector to the server. The server collcet the vecors from all Clients and send them to all. But this works verly slow (~5fps, and im only sending 1 vector).
I searched a bit in the forum and collected some ideas and now i have some questions:

-Should i use TCP or UDP? UDP is faster but how can i chech if all the data i sended arrived (if this is necessary, look to the next question)

-What should i send? If i send the nex Position every frame it isnt important that every packet arrives because the new one will correct it all. But if i only send weather a key is pressed or not the clients could become asyncron if they miss a few packets. And how can i correct mistakes?

-Should I use non blocking calls or a Selector?

PS: Im not a native speaker so there may be some mistakes in in what i have wrote :oops:

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