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Topics - azkay

Pages: [1]
System / Best way to setup GUI/TCP?
« on: October 31, 2010, 08:42:19 am »
Right now ive got a while loop in main() that loops a tcpreceive and parses the data from there, eg;

loop start
switch recv
case 1:
move person left
case 2:
move person right

loop end

Now, using the tutorial on using a sprite, I would want to code it so, when it receives a "move left" packet, it moves the sprite to the left.

I tried putting it all in the same receive loop, but there was lots of delay in there, so, I need two threads?

Whats the best way to setup multiple threads where data can still be accessed by either?

eg; One thread runs the OpenGL GUI loop, other thread runs the TCP receiving?

Network / How do I use OnReceive? Also, Client.Connect problem
« on: October 15, 2010, 06:47:51 pm »
Firstly, introduction on my situation.

I decided to attempt to learn C++ (again) and ended up looking at SFML.
Im planning on porting a flash client, ive done it before in another language, though I did only the TCP parts, never made the GUI or anything.

So I decided the logical place to start would be porting over the TCP stuff, as I already know it from before.

Anyway, ive spent the last few hours looking at http://www.sfml-dev.org/tutorials/1.6/network-sockets.php and the next few pages and ive sort of got "something" working.

This was just a test to figure out how to get the OnReceive working, which pretty much failed.

Code: [Select]

#include <SFML/Network.hpp>
#include <SFML/System.hpp>
#include <iostream>

class MyEncryptedPacket : public sf::Packet{
private :

virtual void OnReceive(){
std::cout << "received" << std::endl;

void runClient(){
sf::SocketTCP Client;

    if (!Client.Connect(80, ""))
        std::cout << "test" << std::endl;//return;

std::cout << "Connected to server " << std::endl;

char Buffer[] = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.azkay.com\r\n\r\n";
if (Client.Send(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer)) != sf::Socket::Done)

/*char Buffer2[1024];
std::size_t Received;
if (Client.Receive(Buffer2, sizeof(Buffer2), Received) != sf::Socket::Done){

std::cout << Buffer2 << std::endl;*/
sf::Packet RegularPacket;
    if (Client.Receive(RegularPacket) != sf::Socket::Done)

MyEncryptedPacket EncryptedPacket;
    if (Client.Receive(EncryptedPacket) != sf::Socket::Done)


int main(){

    std::cout << "Press enter to exit..." << std::endl;
    std::cin.ignore(10000, '\n');

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Keeping in mind most of this was "hacked" together with parts from the tutorial pages and its 3am and I started "learning" at around 5pm, I could be just not taking anything in properly and the whole beginner "background in other languages, 5th try over the last few years at C++, just finished my 6th or so hello world".

Basically, I sent a GET to my azkay.com, it was the only "quick" thing I could think of at the time, anything to test out the receive.
I just cant figure out exactly what "tells" it to use the OnReceive.

Also, could also be due to 3am, if I use:
Code: [Select]

    if (!Client.Connect(80, ""))

It seems to exit runClient once it hits that, the return gets called. Shouldnt that only be called if theres an error in the connect?
If I take the return out and replace it with anything; eg; the cout, it keeps going and "works".

Also, if I uncomment out the commented receive, I see the response fine there, so im really confused at why the .Connect is "erroring". Is there anything I can output that tells me the error code?

Once again, if anything needs clarification just tell me, 3am, probably not making much sense.


While im here;
In my original "port", I would send packets something like this:
Code: [Select]

TCPSend($Socket, StringToHex("S55FLASH10") & "00")

So, I would be sending 53353502464C415348023102300300 to the server, not the plaintext.
How would I do this? Same as the other one, just convert the string first?

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