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Topics - Trollger

Pages: [1]
Graphics / get the width in pixels of a sf::drawable object
« on: November 01, 2010, 04:00:22 am »
Hi every one

I know this is probably a silly question but I can't seem to manage to figure out how to get the width in pixels of a sf::drawable object.

If I use GetScale() then I just get 1, I know why that is but I need to get the objects width in pixels.

Any help to this possibly silly question is appreciated.  :D

First off I would like to say hello to this forum, this my first post!

I have a few questions about the technology that is used in sfml. First off I see that sfml is integrated with openGL, does this mean that anything I can do with openGL I can do with SFML?

If that is true then does that mean that I could make a full featured 3d game engine out of SFML? Would there be any legal issues with doing that?

Any help on any or all of these questions would be appreciated.

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