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General / Methodologies on storing/controlling game data
« on: March 12, 2024, 06:58:27 am »
Hello! I am currently using SFML to make a autoshooter (think vampire surivors/magic survival) project and having a lot of fun with it, but am starting to hit roadblocks when it comes to ideating how to handle handling game and asset data.

For example, on level up, I want a UI to appear where the player can select a weapon to gain/level up.
There is an weaponArray with the player's current weapons, but this of course is not inclusive of all weapons if the player does not have it.
I want this ui to include such weapons however, and to have descriptions, icons, and names specific to each weapon. Now I could likely create and access an array or struct, define all the weapons, but there may be in-game progression roadblocks on the weapon's addition (thus not wanting to add it to the eligible weapons on level up) - a lot of things to consider.

  • A bit of research has lead me in the direction of scripting - but I'm not even sure what this is and where to begin with it. Is it something specific to SFML or C++, and is lua the only option or is python also one?
  • I have also heard information on json files being used for metadata - but what is the benefit of json over simple text files?
  • Or am I simply overcomplicating things and should I stick to developing in C++. Are there any other approaches to consider?

I feel like I'll run into the same issues with dialogue - writing all the conversations in my .cpp and .h files doesn't seem like something I should do

Thank you for any considerations. I'm really hoping to be pointed in a general direction/videos to look at to understand my problem and my choices better. I believe these metadata management issues can be solved with straight C++, but should I?

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