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Topics - Otrellona

Pages: [1]
There is a server that creates an array of integers and puts them in a package, and two clients that immediately after connecting receive a package with an array of integers and use it to generate a game map.

The problem is that if both clients are connected to localhost, then they receive the same data, when connected from different devices, clients receive different data.

    sf::UdpSocket socket;

    if (socket.bind(54000) != sf::Socket::Done) {
        return -1;

    std::cout << "Server is listening on port 54000" << std::endl;

    const sf::Uint16 side = 10;
    sf::Uint16 level[side * side];
    for (int i = 0; i < std::size(level); i++) {
        int start = 0;
        int end = side;
        int x = rand() % (end - start + 1) + start;

        if (x < 3)
            level[i] = 1;
            level[i] = 0;
    sf::Packet packet;
    packet << level[side * side];
    socket.send(packet, client1Ip, client1Port);

    const sf::Uint16 side = 10;
    sf::Packet packet;

    if (socket.receive(packet, serverIp, port) != sf::Socket::Done) {
        std::cerr << "Error receiving data" << std::endl;
        return -1;

    sf::Uint16 level[side*side];
    packet >> level[side*side];

What could be the reason for this behavior and how can it be fixed?

Pages: [1]