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Topics - zenkimoto

Pages: [1]
General discussions / SFML 2.0 Mac OSX in App Bundle
« on: March 02, 2011, 07:24:14 am »

I realize that the instructions say to create a new C++ command line project and include the dynamic/static libraries from cmake.  I got everything to work doing it that way.  However, is it possible to build a bundle with 2.0?  

I tried to create a new Cocoa project, modify it to include all the SFML libraries.  So far so good.  Everything works except for my working directory...  I have to reference:  "TestSFML.app/Contents/Resources/testimage.png" instead of just "testimage.png".  It seems that the working directory is where the bundle is located.  Anyways, I could be doing it all wrong....

I'm really just wondering if it is possible to build a bundle with 2.0 or do I just need to do a chdir() system call.  


General discussions / Xcode and SFML2
« on: February 12, 2011, 08:01:56 pm »
Hi Everyone,

Pardon me for being a total noob.  :-)

Anyways, I downloaded the latest SFML from SVN.  (BTW, the sndfile.framework is corrupted (?) in the SVN version.  I fixed the symlinks and it still has problems.  I ended up using the 1.6 version instead)

So, I created the Xcode project using CMake.  I built the library and ran the "install" config (as admin).  It put the files in their appropriate locations (usr/local/include/SFML, usr/local/lib)

However, how do I setup a project in Xcode?  When I ended up doing was creating a project with the 1.6 template and removing the 1.6 sfml frameworks and adding the new dylib's.  I made sure the headers were in the search path.  However, nothing works.  How do I go about setting up a project in Xcode?  

Thanks for your help!

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