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Network / Sample code for networking
« on: March 22, 2011, 01:19:25 pm »
i wrote a code,in which one machine(A) sends "hi" to another machine(B).Now A sends the data successfully.But B does not receive it.I've bound the socket to the port but still,the status shows NotReady(at B).What is to be done?
Also, i need B to send back an ack to A.can u please help me out by showin a code on this.I need it for my project asap.

PS : I've seen the sample codes that are the tutorial,but donno y my code is not working.

Network / UDP packet not received by server
« on: February 20, 2011, 06:36:43 am »
Code: [Select]
unsigned short Port=4567;

void DoClientUDP(HWND hwnd,unsigned short Port)
  sf::IPAddress ServerAddress;

  while (!ServerAddress.IsValid());
  sf::SocketUDP Client;
  unsigned short CPort=4323;


   char Message[3] = "Hi";

    if (Client.Send(Message, sizeof(Message),ServerAddress, Port) != sf::Socket::Done)

void DoServerUDP(HWND hwnd)
  unsigned short Port=4567;
  sf::SocketUDP Server;

 char Buffer[200]="";
 std::size_t Received;

 sf::IPAddress ClientAddress=sf::IPAddress::LocalHost;
 unsigned short ClientPort;
 char Message[3]="";

 if (!Server.Bind(Port))

 sf::Socket::Status SocketStatus=sf::Socket::Done;
 SocketStatus=(Server.Receive(Message, sizeof(Message), Received, ClientAddress, ClientPort));



This is my code. Now when i execute the statement(Server.Receive), the SocketStatus becomes NotReady.The client sends the message but the server does not receive it.What should be done???Please HELP!!!

Pages: [1]