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Topics - Wiz

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General / SFML2, cmake and Windows 64 bits
« on: June 29, 2011, 03:45:06 pm »

As a Linux user I thought it would be a good idea to make my apps Windows compatible, so I installed Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Express.
Building sfml with cmake was easy following the tutorial (used nmake to compile), and sfml examples are working.

But when I get to a basic app compiled from a visual studio project generated by cmake, the sfml window title is make of a few garbage characters before my app name.
That was my first and last warning : when I tried to load an sf::Image from file I got a unhandled exception (Access violation reading location 0xcccccccc.), inside sf::Image::LoadFromFile.
Copy/pasting the sfml's opengl example gave me the exact same crash, as for using nmake rather than directly Visual Studio.

I don't understand what could cause the crash.
Could it be a x64/x86 problem ? (My windows 7 is x64, but visual studio express only compiles x86 so I'm pretty sure it didn't tried to combine x86 app with x64 dlls).
Or am I just using cmake wrong ? My app's CMakeLists.txt is just a basic cmake file, using this FindSFML.cake.

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